Duncan Lambden

Mr Incredible (The Incredibles)

Duncan Lambden
"It's psychotic! People keep coming up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional..." (The Incredibles)

"It's psychotic! People keep coming up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional..." (The Incredibles)

Mr Incredible, voiced by Craig T Nelson, is the hero of Pixar's The Incredibles. He is an homage to the golden age of comic book superheroes, possessing the most common superpower seen in comic books: super strength. After heroes are made illegal, Mr Incredible, under the name Robert Parr, is forced to abandon his heroic life and settle down with his family.

Mr Incredible embodies the main theme of The Incredibles: exceptionalism. The main message of the film is somewhat more complex than most Disney movies, as Mr Incredible preaches that people with abilities that place them above others should be celebrated, not quashed down to encourage mediocrity. Typically, stories in which a character insists on praising society's "cream of the crop" frame that character as a villain. Bioshock's Andrew Ryan creates the underwater city of Rapture to consolidate humanity's best and most talented minds. The city crumbles in a matter of months, due to an unsustainable social infrastructure. The Incredibles takes Mr Incredible, a character with a similar, though admittedly less nefarious motivation, and turns him into a man who just wants to do his best and not be held back by those who can't. The Incredible family being given the pseudonym "Parr" is a not-so-subtle reference to society's pressure to be average. Mr Incredible wants both himself and his family to break free from this forced label, and show that an individual should be lauded for their talents, not shunned because of them.