Duncan Lambden

The Problem with Alm (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Duncan Lambden
"My grandfather refused to let me ever leave my home, Ram Village. So I don't know much about the world." (Fire Emblem Heroes)

"My grandfather refused to let me ever leave my home, Ram Village. So I don't know much about the world." (Fire Emblem Heroes)

Alm is one of the two protagonists of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He starts the game as a commoner, living in a tiny backwoods village that is attacked by an evil empire. This triggers his Hero's Journey resulting in him overthrowing the evil empire, despite numerous characters dismissing him due to his status as a farmboy and lack of noble blood.

While this character arc of an easily dismissed commoner becoming a hero is not unique in any regard, it could still have been pulled off effectively in Shadows of Valentia. However, this entire message is entirely invalidated by the reveal that Alm had been of royal blood all along. Any theme of overcoming hierarchy or breaking free from a socially inflicted role is completely disregarded when it is shown that, perhaps, Alm only achieved this because of his royal blood, rather than in spite of his position as a commoner. This reveal cheapens his entire role and arc throughout the rest of the story, all for the sake of a twist that is almost a carbon copy of the famous "I am your father" line from Star Wars.